
About Me

I’m Sherie, creator and owner of The Party Godmother.

I’m a mum to 2 small humans and am also a relief teacher.

SherieI was at a young family members party when I looked at the table and I realized that all but the table and the food were going to be heading for the rubbish bin. Rubbish bins were about to be council run and a lot smaller than what we were used to, shops were inconsistent with their supplies due to Covid-19 and people are just plain busy. I love sewing and seeing other people enjoy my creations so The Party Godmother was born. A place where you can pick a box that already has the party supplies and theme sorted and the products are reusable. No storing those 32 left over napkins, wondering where you can keep the paper lanterns that you don’t know when you’ll use again, no feeling guilty that there’s 14 balloons that didn’t get used because they just took too long to blow up, no countless hours on the computer working out themes and sourcing decorations. I wanted to keep it simple for party organizers who wanted to show their friends and family that they care about them. I wanted to give you your time back.

I really do love creating and seeing a project brought to life. Whether it’s for adults or children, we’ve got the party hire and supplies for you.

Let’s make it easy!

The Party Godmother

Mt Maunganui, New Zealand

[email protected]

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The Party Godmother

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